4 Tips for Running Your Heating System Efficiently

As the weather turns colder, your heating system will work harder to keep you warm and comfortable. Because the demand from your heating system is so high this time of year, it’s important to keep it running properly and efficiently to save you money and keep you comfortable.
5 Tips for Reducing Your Electricity Bill This Fall

Heating and cooling your home, while necessary, can generate a pretty hefty number on your utility bill each month. At Stricklin Mechanical, we care that our clients live comfortably and affordably which is why we’re sharing some cost-cutting tips to make doing that a little easier.
5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Fall

Between the cooler weather and all the fun fall activities, there’s so much to look forward to during fall However, before you can enjoy all the benefits of fall, you first need to prepare your home for the cooler weather.